Program Description
Event Details
I went on behalf of the Pride Board to participate in the PrideWorks event, where I was set up solo; I brought advertising materials for the Board's events and a number of card signup forms. The attendees were overwhelmingly teenagers and their high school teachers from around Westchester, with a scant few from the Bronx and/or Yonkers, so I wasn't able to make use of the library card forms.
That said, I was sure to talk up relevant library events (particularly those done in conjunction with the Pride Board, like the drag makeup demo) whenever I could, and drew a great deal of interest both from students and their teachers and parents (a number of the latter declared their intention to fill in their children/classes and/or asked for my contact). The kids were very visibly interested in attending specifically LGBT programming, and a number were surprised that Yonkers had as many events as it did! I estimate around ~40 signed up for updates on Pride events, and more than that took fliers; I also reached out to a variety of other tablers from other Westchester- and city-based organizations, and a number of them seemed very interested in library programming. I consider it a very successful outing.