Come Work for YPL!

Yonkers is a growing city of over 210,000, and as of the 2020 Census it is the 3rd largest in New York State. It is located just north of The Bronx along the Hudson River and offers convenient access to New York City and the Hudson Valley. Yonkers Public Library (YPL) serves Yonkers residents at three locations: the Riverfront Library located in the heart of Downtown Yonkers, the Grinton I. Will Library located on Central Park Avenue, and the Crestwood Library in Northeast Yonkers, as well as through virtual programs and remote services. YPL is recognized for innovative library programming, collaborative partnerships, and community engagement.
YPL offers competitive salaries and generous benefits. We seek creative and committed library staff to help us provide excellent library service.
To be eligible for Librarian or Clerk positions at YPL you must apply through - and meet the hiring qualifications established by - the Yonkers Civil Service Administration. More information in the FAQ section below.
For questions, or to apply for a librarian trainee position, please email
Applicants for part-time YPL positions (such as part-time pages and clerks) would apply directly to the library, using this application. Please email it back to or hand it directly to a librarian in person.
Current Openings
Librarian I Spanish-Speaking
This is the initial level position for library school graduates. Employees in this class are expected to learn the specific applications of professional training by the performance of duties under the supervision of administrative personnel.
Librarian I
FAQs about Civil Service Eligibility
Although YPL is ultimately responsible for selecting its hires, most jobs are applied to through the Yonkers Civil Service Administration. Read below for more information on this process. For any questions, feel free to email
To be eligible for a librarian job with YPL, you must meet the hiring qualifications established by the Yonkers Civil Service Administration. Applicants must pass a the civil service examination to be eligible for an interview and to be hired. Find the Librarian I job description and application information on the Yonkers Civil Service page.
- First, complete the application to take the qualifying exam and send in the application along with the $40 application fee. The application fee may be waived under certain circumstances; the waiver form is found here. Please contact the City of Yonkers Municipal Civil Service Division at (914) 377-6092 for questions about fees and receipt of applications.
- Once your application is processed, you will receive an email from the Civil Service Division that contains a link to the Training and Experience examination. You MUST follow the instructions in this message in order to take the examination. If you do not receive an email, contact the Municipal Civil Service Division.
- Once your examination has been evaluated, you will receive an email or letter via U.S. Mail indicating your qualifying score. This letter serves as your notice that your name and information are on the hiring list for the position you seek. This does not mean you will be hired, only that you are eligible for employment.
Applicants must live in the City of Yonkers for at least 12 months in order to be eligible for a YPL clerical position. They must also pass a qualifying test for their job classification. These tests are announced by the Yonkers Civil Service Department and are for clerical positions at YPL, City of Yonkers and Yonkers Board of Education.
- Once a test is announced complete the application to take the qualifying exam and send in the application along with the application fee. The application fee may be waived under certain circumstances; the waiver form is found here. Please contact the City of Yonkers Municipal Civil Service Division at (914) 377-6092 for questions about fees and receipt of applications.
- Once your application is processed, you will receive a letter from the Civil Service Division that shows when and where the test will be given. Take the examination.
- Once your examination has been evaluated, which can take a few months, you will receive a letter via the U.S. Mail indicating your qualifying score. This letter serves as your notice that your name and information are on the hiring list for the position you seek. This does not mean you will be hired, only that you have passed the test.
- When a position is available at the Library we will ask the Civil Service Department for a list.
- City of Yonkers job postings.
- Most YPL employees are represented by SEIU Local 704B. SEIU Local 704 encompasses public employees across many different departments within the City, and Local 704B represents full-time library employees.
- Applicants for part-time YPL positions (such as part-time pages and clerks) would apply directly to the library, using this application. Please email it back to or hand it directly to a librarian in person.
- Test guides for civil service examinations in New York State.