Newspapers & Magazines on Microfilm

Herald Statesmen cover page

All newspapers and microfilm must be used in the library.


Local Newspapers:


Yonkers News Archive (Online Database)
The Journal News
  • October 12, 1998 – (microfilm except for most recent months)
    Selected stories from recent issues and an obituaries archives may be accessed at
Yonkers Examiner
  • January 29, 1857 – December 21, 1863  (microfilm)
Yonkers Gazette
  • January 4, 1868 – December 30, 1893  (microfilm & online database)
Yonkers Herald
  • January 2, 1891 – March 14, 1932  (microfilm & online database)
Yonkers Herald Statesman
  • March 15, 1932 – October 11, 1998  (microfilm & online database)
Yonkers Rising (successor newspaper to Martinelli’s Yonkers Home News and Times)
  • Current and recent back issues only
Yonkers Home News (published by the Alexander Smith Memorial Foundation, Inc., for Yonkers servicemen during WWII)
  • June 17, 1941 – January 29, 1946  (5 v., bound; last issue:  The Honored dead and wounded in the war – Note: there are some errors in this list)
Yonkers Statesman
  • December 3, 1863 – March 14, 1932  (microfilm & online database)



National Magazines & Newspapers on Microfilm:


Riverfront Library:


Grinton I. Will Library:

America: 1965-1992   Advertising Age: 1980-1994
Atlantic Monthly 1875-1993   America: 1965-2012
Barron's: 1985-2009   American City & Country: 1984-1993
Black Enterprise: 1984-1994   American Economic Review: 1964-1992
Business Week 1970-1994   American Education: 1978-1985
Christian Century1965-2002   American Historical Review: 1963-1993
Christian Science Monitor 1985-2009   American Journal of Orthopsychiatry: 1980-1992
Commentary: 1984-1993   American Journal of Public Health: 1983-1992
Commonweal: 1965-1993   American Journal of Sociology: 1959-1994
Congressional Record: 1964-1968   American Literature: 1959-1993
Ebony: 1945-1994   American Scholar: 1970-1993
Education Digest: 1984-1994   American Sociological Review: 1977-1992
Essence: 1973-1994   American Academy of Political & Social Science Annals: 1965-1993
Film Comment: 1981-1992   Architectural Record: 1960-1964
Forbes: 1976-1993   Art News: 1975-1993
Foreign Affairs: 1922-1992   Atlantic Monthly: 1930-1993
Foreign Policy: 1984-1993   Audio: 1975-1993
Fortune: 1981-1993   Aviation Week & Space Technology: 1980-1993
Harper's Magazine: 1967-1993   Barron's: 1970-2009
Harvard Business Review: 1962-1993   Billboard: 1970-2012
JAMA: 1984-2004   Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: 1978-1993
JET: 1978-1994   Business Month: 1987-1990
Journal of Commerce: 1989-2000   Business Week: 1970-1993
Monthly Labor Review: 1954-1993   Childhood Education: 1967-1994
Nation: 1967-1993   Christian Century: 1947-2015  
National Catholic Reporter: 1983-1993   Christian Science Monitor: 1981-2009
National Review: 1967-1993   Christianity Today: 1993-2015
New England Journal of Medicine: 1979-1993   Commentary: 1948-1993
New Republic: 1945-1993   Commonweal: 1950-1993
New York Times: 1851-current (except for most recent months)   Consumer Reports: 1978-1993
Newsweek: 1933-2015   Current History: 1942-1993
People Weekly: 1990-1993   Economist: 1976-1993
Playboy: 1982-1993   Education Digest: 1979-1994
Popular Science: 1990-1993   Esquire: 1961-1993
Psychology Today: 1967-1993   Forbes: 1970-1993
Reader's Digest: 1984-1993   Gerontologist: 1980-1992
Saturday Evening Post: ​​1960-1968   Harper's Magazine: 1926-1993
Science: 1970-1993   JET: 1979-1988
Science News: 1970-1993   Journal of Education: 1980-1993
Scientific American: 1961-1993   Journal of Marriage & Family: 1964-1992
TIME: 1923-2016   Journal of Negro History: 1982-1992
U.S. News & World Report: 1967-2010   LA Times: 1983-2003
Wall Street Journal: 1967-2010   LIFE: 1937-1972
Washington Post: 1986-2003   Ms.: 1972-1994
World Almanac: 1868-1976   The Nation: 1889-1993
    National Education Association: 1946-1994
    New Republic: 1962-1993
    New Statesman: 1962-1993
    Popular Mechanics: 1960-1993
    Popular Science: 19620-1993
    Psychology Today: 1978-1995
    Rolling Stones: 1968-2008