Circulation Policy

Intent of the Circulation Policy

A key goal of the YPL Strategic Plan is to engage the entire Yonkers community and to present the Library as a welcoming and accommodating resource for everyone to enjoy. A specific objective of this goal is to offer patrons a dynamic print and digital collection that will inform, entertain, and delight all ages. The circulation of books and other items has always been a core service of public libraries, and will remain so in the foreseeable future. This policy will focus on YPL’s physical collection. In conjunction with the Registration Policy, it will define rules for what may be borrowed, by whom, and for how long. It will also list current remedies for late and lost material.

Material That Circulates

In general, most items found on the open shelves may be borrowed. Major exceptions include items marked ‘Reference’, recent journals, microfilm, and local history material.

YPL also lends a variety of non-traditional items such as musical instruments, telescopes, and dolls. This collection is growing, is subject to change, and is often not displayed in public spaces. A staff member will have the latest information on this material and how it can be borrowed.

Note that although YPL issues a different class of library card to children, teens, and adults, there is no restriction on borrowing any circulating item in the collection based on a patron’s age. It is the sole responsibility of parents or caregivers to monitor what their children borrow from the library.

Loan Periods/Late Fees

Item Type                        Loan Period     Limit*       Renewals** Daily Late Fee***           Max. Fee

Hardcovers &


3 Weeks





New Titles

2 Weeks





Express Books

1 Week






1 Week





Music CDs

3 Weeks





Audio Books

3 Weeks






1 Week






1 Week





New Films

1 Week





TV Series (Multiple Disks)

2 Weeks





Electronic Games

1 Week





Note*     Further limits may be imposed due to demand

Note**    An item may not be renewed if there is a waiting list for it. Note*** YPL currently does not charge late fees for its juvenile material

At its discretion, YPL may waive fines or fees for patrons who have experienced long-term hospitalization, imprisonment, eviction, fire, theft, or military deployment. Patrons who have experienced such exceptional circumstances should speak to a supervisor and be prepared to provide documentation if asked.

Returns & Renewals

When items are presented at the Circulation Department for checkout, the patron is given a receipt that shows every item borrowed along with its due date. There is no charge for borrowing material if it is returned on or before its due date, and it is returned in good condition.

If an item is approaching its due date, the patron will receive an automated reminder. That is the only reminder issued until 90 days later, when the item status is changed to ‘Lost’

Each branch has a book drop or chute outside which can be used at any time to return borrowed material. Items returned in the book drop before opening time will be considered returned the day before.

As a member of the WLS consortium, YPL accepts items borrowed from other public libraries in Westchester and will arrange to have them returned to the owning location. If the owning library has policies on fines, lost fees, loan periods, etc. that differ from local policy, the rules of the owning library prevail.

Currently, most circulating items in the YPL collection are getting one automatic renewal as a courtesy to its patrons. However, if there is a waiting list for an item, it cannot be renewed.

Lost and Damaged Material

When YPL material is lost in circulation, or returned in a damaged condition, a patron may either pay the cost that is on record for that item or replace it with a duplicate copy. If the patron chooses to replace the item, it must be a new copy in the same format and the same (or newer) edition.

If the lost or damaged item was obtained from another library, it should be noted that most libraries do not accept replacement copies, and some add a service charge to the cost of the item. YPL is obligated to follow the policies of the owning library.

The Library will issue a refund for lost items that are then found within 90 days. A processing fee of $5 (adult items) or $1 (juvenile items) will be deducted from the refund.

Claims Returned

If a patron claims that an item was properly returned, yet the library’s records indicate it is still checked out, the staff will initiate a search throughout the county library system. If the item is located, the patron’s account will be cleared of that charge. If the item is not located, the owning library has the discretion to impose or waive the fee for lost material.

Patron Accounts

Patrons with valid library cards may check their personal account by visiting the WLS web site, To access an account, the patron enters the 14-digit barcode number found on the card, plus the PIN (usually the last four digits of their phone number). Once logged in, patrons can review and verify their personal information, see what they have checked out or placed on hold, renew items, and pay overdue charges. They can also change their preference for receiving notifications (phone, text, or email).

Blocked Accounts

When a patron’s account has reached a threshold of $25 for accumulated overdue fines and/or lost item charges, that patron will be blocked from further borrowing until the balance on the account drops below the threshold.

Museum Passes

Museum passes may be borrowed by Yonkers Public Library resident cardholders only. Except for “Print & Go” passes and vouchers, passes are due back to the library by the close of business two days after check-out (unless the library is closed that day). Passes must be returned to the branch where they were borrowed and they cannot be returned in a book drop. Only one pass may be borrowed or reserved at a time and no more than two passes may be borrowed in a 30-day period. Juvenile cards may not be used to reserve or check out museum passes. Museum passes returned late incur an overdue fine of $10 per day, up to the value of the pass.

Sharing Library Cards

Library cards are not meant to be shared, and patrons are not permitted to use another person’s card without permission. An exception will be made for parents or guardians who are checking out juvenile material for their children.

Library cards remain the property of the Yonkers Public Library and will be confiscated if they are misused.

Intra/Inter Library Loans

If a particular item is not in the YPL collection, or is currently unavailable, patrons may reserve a copy by placing a hold on it. Holds may be placed via the YPL home page, the mobile app, or at any library information desk. YPL is a member of the Westchester Library System (WLS), a consortium of 38 independent libraries, and all member libraries share their circulating collections. When the next available copy of the item is delivered, the patron is sent a notification and has 7 days to pick it up.

There is no charge for this service.

When an item is not available from any WLS library, it may be possible to obtain it from a neighboring public, university, or corporate library. Ask a librarian for more information about this service.

Summer Loans

During the summer months, YPL will extend the loan periods for some material so that patrons can take items on vacation without incurring late fees. Information on the material that may be borrowed, and the length of the borrowing period, will be posted in June of each year.

Bronx Patrons

YPL issues library cards to Bronx County residents. These cards can be used only to borrow items in the YPL collection, and may not be used to place holds on material owned by other libraries.


A patron’s borrowing record is private, and will not be disclosed to anyone without proper legal authority. Parents and caregivers should be aware that they will not have access to information about the material their children have borrowed. YPL has a separate, comprehensive policy statement on patron privacy.

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