Library Code of Conduct

Yonkers Public Library (YPL) seeks to provide a safe, friendly, and inviting environment for everyone. This code of conduct sets expectations for behavior so that everyone can have a positive experience visiting the library.

The list below describes actions which may result in loss of library privileges. Illegal activity, even if it is not included in the list below, is forbidden and will be reported to law enforcement.

  1. All forms of harassment - including hostile, threatening, discriminatory and abusive words and actions - are grounds for immediate removal from the library.
  2. Weapons are prohibited in the library.
  3. Deliberate destruction, defacement, and theft of library property and materials - and the property of others - is prohibited. 
  4. Consumption of alcohol, smoking or vaping, and the use or handling of other controlled substances is prohibited on all library property. Patrons that show signs of intoxication may be asked to leave the premises.
  5. The library seeks to offer clean, orderly and efficient spaces and services for everyone to enjoy. Conduct that inhibits or disrupts the use of the library is prohibited, including:
    • Consuming food or beverages in the public areas of the building except in designated areas.  
    • Sleeping.
    • Yelling, loud conversations or audible electronics. Obey staff directives to lower your volume or relocate to areas that allow more noise.
    • Monopolizing staff time with repetitive questions or requests.
    • Running and play fighting.
    • Extreme odor and/or an unhygienic state.
    • Improper/insufficient clothing. Shoes/sandals and shirts/upper body coverings are required at all times in the building.
    • Soliciting money, food, work, or donations is prohibited. 
    • Using restrooms for bathing or washing clothes. 
  6. Lewd conduct, sexual activity or suggestiveness, indecent exposure, viewing or sharing of pornography (on personal or public devices), and excessive staring at bodies are all prohibited.
  7. In order to make library spaces and services safe and accessible to all, please observe the following:
    • Bikes should be parked outside or in designated areas. E-bikes are not permitted in buildings out of safety concerns. Skateboards and scooters should be carried and never ridden inside. Strollers and carts should be parked in designated spaces if there are space constraints.
    • Refrain from blocking entrances, aisles, stairwells, and other passageways with bodies or personal belongings.
    • Non-library flyers, leaflets, and other material should only be posted with permission of branch administrators and may be removed for any reason.
    • The Will Library parking lot is for the exclusive use of the library staff and patrons of the library, and may be used only during the specified hours as posted.
    • Library visitors are prohibited from entering staff areas - including the spaces behind service desks.
  8. No person shall bring animals into the building except for, with the exception of service animals as defined under ADA requirements and NY State law.
  9. Young children (under the age of 9) - or teens and adults with high support needs requiring a caregiver - should be actively supervised and not left unattended in the library. Children’s Rooms have their own sets of policies that must also be adhered to.

Patrons are expected to follow the reasonable requests of library staff, including the library security team, even if they are not listed above. Failure to comply with reasonable requests may result in expulsion from the library.

If patrons observe other patrons in violation of the Code of Conduct, they should report it to a library employee and not attempt to enforce the Code of Conduct themselves.

Patrons who violate these regulations may be expelled from the library premises and/or have library privileges withdrawn for a specific or indefinite period of time. These patrons will be issued a letter notifying them of their suspension. Once notified, any attempt to reenter the library during the suspension period is considered trespassing.

Persons from whom these privileges have been withdrawn have the right to appeal in writing to the Board of Trustees of the library.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees on July 24, 2024.

Policy Type