Podcast Review: The Book Case

The Book Case is a podcast that provides book recommendations and contains interviews with authors. The hosts are Charlie and Kate Gibson, a father and daughter that worked in broadcasting. The Book Case makes the case for books outside of your usual genre. Wander the aisles of your local bookstore with Kate and Charlie Gibson and meet fascinating characters who will open your appetite to new categories while deepening your hunger for books. This weekly series will journey cover to cover through the literary world, featuring interviews with best-selling authors, tastemakers, and independent bookstore owners.

The first episode that I listened to was one with Dave Barry. Barry talks about his latest book Swamp Story. This is one of several of his books that is set in Florida. He got the idea for the book from stories about exotic pet owners in Florida that house animals, such as Burmese pythons. You get a taste of Barry's sense of humor that is in his books from this interview. Towards the end of the episode, there is an interview with a bookstore owner in Florida who talks about book bands in his state. Unsurprisingly, books that are banned, such as Gender Queer, are in high demand at his store. The humor of Barry in the interview and the hilarity of the plot of Swamp Story will make you want to read his book.

Another interesting episode is with Brendan Slocumb. Slocumb is a musician who decided to write a book during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to his background, all of his books have music in the plot. His latest book, Symphony of Secrets, is about a black woman that composes jazz music that another musician publishes and makes him famous even though it was written by her. Slocumb’s inspiration for his book is based on the African American composer William Grant Still who is largely unknown despite being a talented musician. This is an interesting episode about an important topic!

The final episode that I listened to features J Ryan Stradal. Charlie and Kate Gibson interview him about his latest work Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club. Stradal’s book is set in Minnesota where he is originally from. He talks about the differences between supper clubs and restaurants. Supper clubs have traditional foods and drinks consumed at different parts of the meal and there is entertainment provided. Stradal includes a male perspective of infertility in the book, which he experienced firsthand. The interview provides a look at the culinary history of Minnesota that listeners will want to learn more about.

The Book Case reviews an interesting variety of books and authors. The interviews are enjoyable to listen to and the Gibsons have a great chemistry together. This is an excellent choice to find your next great read!

You can listen to The Book Case online or through apps such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Michael Walsh

Will Library-Adult Services

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