Summer Reading Week Five: Teamwork

Our summer reading theme for Summer 2023 is “All Together Now”. For the next four weeks, we will be exploring themes of TOGETHERness, in an acrostic using the word “together”.

This week’s theme is Teamwork!

You might be on a team at work, at school, in a sport, or at home with family and/or friends. Teamwork is the act of working together so that every individual contributes to completing a task. Contributions will vary and won’t always look the same, but everyone is working together to achieve something. The task could be a project, a sports game, completing a jigsaw puzzle or getting a meal ready. No matter how big or small your task is, working together as a team can make any job easier. 

Team-building and collaboration skills are especially important for children to learn so they can be successful collaborators when they grow up. There are many ways to practice teamwork at home, like playing board games or cooking a meal together. Patience, seeing things from someone else’s point of view, compromising, turn-taking and communication are important skills that help kids become better team players at home, school and in their friendships.

For adults, a lot of teamwork happens at the workplace and in a family setting. Good teamwork at work involves clear communication between coworkers, establishing trust, goals, timelines,check-ins and encouraging coworkers to build problem solving and conflict resolution skills with one another. 

No matter how old or young you might be, empathy and communication are important to being a great team player in many aspects of your life. Teamwork is an important muscle that can be worked on life-long. The more you use it, the stronger it can get.

You can check out our recommended reads on teamwork here, or ask a librarian for a more specific recommendation!

If you haven’t already, be sure to log your reading in Beanstack for our summer reading challenge! All ages are welcome to sign up. For every book you log until August 15th, your name will be entered into a drawing for a reader basket. Each library branch will host its own drawings for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, Children, Teens and Adults. Also worthy of note is that children get small prizes as they read books during the program. Register yourself and your family on Beanstack.

This is a collaboration from A to Z!

Alison Robles is a part-time page at the Crestwood Library. She is an avid reader with a passion for YA lit, historical fiction and fantasy. A Yonkers native, she graduated from Iona University in 2020 with a dual-degree in Marketing and Public Relations. She is pursuing a Masters in Information and Library Science from the University at Buffalo.

Z is the Branch Manager at the Crestwood Library. She has been with YPL for over a decade.