Yonkers Public Library Awarded $25,000 by the New York State Council on the Arts
Yonkers Public Library (YPL) announced a grant award totaling $25,000 from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to support the nonprofit arts and culture sector.
Hygge Happens: A Solution for the Winter Blues
When the winter solstice arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, it feels as though someone has pulled a shade over the sun. On December 20, the sun rises at 7:17 and sets promptly at 4:30 pm.
The Hudson River as Muse, the Hudson River as Teacher
Above: "Oatmeal on the Hudson" by Golda Solomon
Rethinking Self-Care with Andrea Kartika Deierlein
At the beginning of the year, many people are thinking about self-care, what it means, how loaded of a word it can be, and the importance of meeting ourselves where we are.
Open Book by Jessica Sorentino
Open Book, a weekly podcast hosted by Jessica Sorentino, highlights insightful discussions, expert interviews, and insider secrets that ensures your book goes beyond the bookshelf, to where re
National Winnie the Pooh Day
National Winnie the Pooh Day is on January 18th, which his creator A.A. Milne’s birthday.
Quick and Dirty History-The Battle of New Orleans
Quick and Dirty History is a podcast about American history, on the go. Each week there is an episode about a different topic.
¡Feliz Día de Reyes Magos! - Happy Three Kings Day!
National Bird Day
Hip Hip Hooray It’s National Bird Day!
National Bird Day is designated by The Avian Welfare Coalition to raise awareness about the importance of birds and how we can protect them by creating a healthier and sustainable r
January 4th is Nancy Maron Day!
Mayor Mike Spano declared January 4th Nancy Maron Day in a proclamation presented at Yonkers Public Library (YPL)'s Riverfront Library earlier today.
Top Circulations 2023 with YPL
The moment you have waited for is finally here! Read all about what readers at Yonkers Public Library have chosen to read!
Best of Books 2023 with YPL
The end of the year means that it is time for “The Best of the Best” lists. Here at YPL, at least for this blog, it’s all about the books!
The Gift of Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Bath with Michelle Clifton
A Sound Bath is a meditation. Sound has a profound effect on the body. Sounds we love (our favorite music, natural sounds like birds, wind, rain, waterfalls, etc.) can make us happy, relaxed, and calm.