
Resource Type

Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry Library Edition logo

Access thousands of genealogical databases including Census and Vital Records, birth, marriage and death notices, Social Security Death Index, naturalizations, Military and Holocaust Records, City Directories, and African American and more.

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Family Search

Family Search - Logo
Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources. The Yonkers Riverfront Library is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library and offers onsite access to digitized records not available offsite.
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Foundation Directory Online Professional

Foundation Directory Online Professional
Foundation Directory Online Professional is Candid’s premier searchable database for nonprofits with a 501c3 status. Access is limited to inside the Riverfront Library only.
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Yonkers News Archive - Onsite Edition

yonkers news archive

Access to the Yonkers Herald Statesman (1932-1998), Yonkers Statesman (1863-1932), Yonkers Herald (1891-1932), Yonkers Examiner (1857-1863), Yonkers Gazette (1868-1893) & Yonkers Daily Record (1883).

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Yonkers News Archive - Open Access

yonkers news archive

Explore digitized Yonkers newspapers from any Internet connected device. Yonkers News Archive is the result of a partnership between YPL and

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