Positive Psychology Book Club: The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitage Koga

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Age Group:

Adults, Adults 55+
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Program Description

Event Details

Our Positive Psychology Reading Group is now reading: 

The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga*

The Courage to Be Disliked paperback has sold over 3.5 million copies, and is a Japanese phenomenon that shows how to live a life and achieve real lasting happiness. It's already an enormous bestseller and based on Alfred Adler's philosophical tenets.

Read the assigned chapter(s) and come discuss with us!

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Meeting ID: 860 4638 7659 Passcode: 130912 

Dial by your phone • +1 929 205 6099  Meeting ID: 860 4638 7659 Passcode: 130912

*Available on ebook and eaudiobook on LIBBY and e-audiobook on HOOPLA

Breakdown of readings:

March 5th: Third Meeting - assigned readings: THE THIRD NIGHT: Discard Other People's Tasks

Deny the Desire for Recognition                                                                       111

Do Not Live to Satisfy the Expectations of Others                                              116

How to Separate Tasks                                                                                       122

Discard Other's People's Tasks                                                                           126

How to Rid Yourself of Interpersonal Relationship Problems                              129

Cut the Gordian Knot                                                                                           133

Desire for Recognition Makes You Unfree                                                          138

What Real Freedom Is                                                                                        142

You Hold the Cards to Interpersonal Relationships                                             147    


March 12th - Fourth Meeting - assigned reading THE FOURTH NIGHT: Where the Center of the World Is

Individual Psychology and Holism                                                                      157

The Goal of Interpersonal Relationships is a Feeling of Community                  161

Why am I Only Interested in Myself?                                                                   165

You are Not the Center of the World                                                                   168

Listen to the Voice of a Larger Community                                                          172

Do Not Rebuke or Praise                                                                                      178

The Encouragement Approach                                                                            183

How to Feel You Have Value                                                                               187

Exist in the Present                                                                                             191

People Cannot Make Proper Use of Self                                                            195


March 19th - Fifth Meeting - assigned reading THE FIFTH NIGHT: To Live in Earnest in the Here and Now 

Excessive Self-Consciousness Stifles the Self                                                    205

Not the Self-Affirmation-Self Acceptance                                                             208

The Difference Between Trust and Confidence                                                    212

The Essence of Work is a Contribution to the Common Good                             219

Young People Walk Ahead of Adults                                                                       223 

Workaholism Is Life-Lie                                                                                           227

You Can Be Happy Now                                                                                        232

Two Paths Traveled by Those Wanting to be "Special Beings"                             238

The Courage to be Normal                                                                                    242

Life is a Series of Moments                                                                                  245

Live Like You're Dancing                                                                                      248

Shine a Light on the Here and Now                                                                    252

The Greatest Life-Lie                                                                                            255

Give Meaning to Seemingly Meaningless Life                                                       258

Afterword                                                                                                               265     

NO CLASS March 26th, April 2nd April 9th April 16th - 4 weeks OFF then we schedule the in person celebration and begin a new book