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Summer Reading Week Two: Outdoors

Our summer reading theme for Summer 2023 is “All Together Now”. For the next eight weeks, we will be exploring themes of TOGETHERness, in an acrostic using the word “together”.

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Reading to Children for Pride Month

With Pride Month in full swing, many children will have questions about what Pride Month is and why it’s celebrated. Like many topics, Pride and LGBTQ issues may seem daunting to talk about with children.

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Flag Day 2023

Flag Day was established on June 14 by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, but several states and local governments were already celebrating the American flag on the day.

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Early Primary Voting at YPL!

Yonkers Public Library (YPL) is pleased to once again host early primary voting at its Riverfront Library and Will Library locations, June 17th-June 25th. There are both Democratic Party and Republic Party primaries in the City of Yonkers.

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